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Transportation Assistance

There are some organizations and individuals within the Upper Valley that you can look into to receive assistance with getting around the area. Find more about these opportunities by scrolling down below

Upper Valley Transportation Management Association (UVTMA)

To learn more check it out here. Membership-based group of workplaces offering transportation providers. Due paying members eligible for customize programs for their town or workplace

  • UVTMA Rep for Hartford: Matt Osborn
  • Businesses that use this: Hanover Co-op food stores & auto service cleaners, KAF
If any questions call: 802-291-9100

Volunteers in Action

To learn more check it out here. Provides some transportation services, shopping assistance, meals on wheels, minor home repair, and much more for residents of the Windsor area through volunteer drivers. You pay for the miles driven. 

If any questions call 802-674-5971