Dismas of Vermont is the recipient of $250,000 from the TD Charitable Foundation through its 18th annual Housing for Everyone grant program, the only award made in Vermont this year. The grant will support Dismas of Vermont’s step-down housing pilot for those ready for the next step after transitional housing but are often screened out of affordable housing options due to their previous involvement in the criminal justice system. The pilot will master lease apartments from private landlords to provide more independent living opportunities for individuals who, through the traditional Dismas House program, have demonstrated their commitments to their communities and themselves.
TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank®, announced today that it has awarded a total of $7 million to 37 non-profits across its Maine-to-Florida footprint and in Michigan through Housing for Everyone. Grants ranging from $150,000 to $250,000 will support independent living for marginalized community members, especially those who experience homelessness and face conditions that make it difficult to maintain a stable home without additional help.
“We are so fortunate that the TD Charitable Foundation understands that investing in housing opportunities that serve all Vermonters are necessary for us to have healthy, productive, and safe communities,” said Dismas of Vermont’s executive director, Jim Curran. “We all look forward to working with TD Charitable Foundation, our communities, and local landlords to ensure housing is an option for those working through another chance to thrive. This is a first step to ensure that people who have served their time for their past convictions are not treated as if it is a life sentence.”
Read the full press release from Dismas of Vermont.
Are you a landlord? Learn more about how to partner with Dismas on this opportunity.